Pleasant Hill District Dissolves
In becoming a part of Des Moines, the Pleasant Hill school board went out of existence. All of the supplies, furniture, and even the Pleasant Hill school building was turned over to Des Moines. School was held in the two-room building for the 1962-63 school year. However, half way through that year the Des Moines district sold the building to the town of Pleasant Hill. The Pleasant Hill students were bused into Des Moines for the next ten years.
The legal battles of the 1950’s had many issues but there was only one real issue: who would receive the tax monies of Iowa Power and Light Company. Thus ended almost 100 years of effort by the people of the Pleasant Hill area to have direct control of their children’s education at a reasonable cost. Providing quality education had been a priority of the citizens. This goal had been greatly helped by the energy companies, first from coal then electricity and gas. Yet the people had demonstrated time and time again their willingness to make sacrifices in the name of bettering their children’s education.